Thursday, 13 October 2011

Analysis of real digi-packs

1. 'Beautiful Monster'- Neyo.
In this digi-pack there is a close up image of the artists face, this is so that the listeners can recognise the artist to get him known in the public eye. the lighting on the cover is very dark and gloomy. the CD cover is in black and white and has reference to 'LA Noire'. There is also a woman in the picture walking slowly towards Neyo. This suggests that he is a ladies man, and the woman is the 'beautiful monster'. The picture includes a street/boulevard with old fashioned cars in, again this has a reference to 'LA Noire'.  This is a style that we are thinking of using as it relates to our music video. We are thinking about using the black and white effect as it represents the artists emotions.

2. 'The blue-print 3'- Jay-Z.
In this digi-pack  there is no picture of the artist as  Jay-Z is already a globally recognised artist, so a picture of him is not necessary. The picture in the background is of instruments that are all white and bland. the represents the 'Blueprint' as in a blue print everything is simple and plain. The 3 bold, red lines through the centre show that it is his 3rd blueprint album. We could use this style to show that it is our first album. Although there is not a picture of the artist, his name is still up in the corner in a small font. If we were to use this style we would make the artists name larger as he is less recognised.

3. 'Recovery'- Eminem.
On the cover to Eminem's 'Recovery' you can see Eminem walking along a long and abandoned road. This could be to show that he is on a road to recovery as the title suggests. The font of the title is bold but small in the top right- hand corner. The 'O' in recovery symbolises the ambulance logo, this visually symbolises recovery. Also the 'E' is backwards which is how his name is spelt on his other album covers. On this digi-pack you cannot see the artists face, this is because he is globally famous so the audience do not need to see his face. This Style may not be suitable for our digi-pack as we need to show the artists face as he is not as well known.

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