Wednesday 14 December 2011

Album track listing research

Here is the back cover from Eminem debut album 'the Slim Shady LP'. This tracklist as you can see is wrapped around the left side of Eminem's body, this has been done most likely because Eminem writes his songs based on his own life and experiences, so by having the tracklist around his body shows that the tracks are close to his heart. This is a unique way of listing the track because it links the tracks to the image and shows Eminem's individuality and originality. The colour scheme used for the font is black, this works well in contrast with the background image.

We will use this technique in our own digipack because the text helps to attract the audiences eye to the artist do to the effect of leading lines. This also helps the text to blend in and work better with the background image if it fits with some of the curvatures of the subject as it looks more natural.

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